Success Stories

that show what working with your unconscious actually ‘looks like’

How Lucy Overcame Her Fear Of Being Visible

Lucy’s Story*

Lucy is a Marketing Specialist with over 10 years of experience in the field. She loved her 9-5 job, working in a small company with a supportive team and a boss that praised her skills. For the last months however, her anxiety levels were going through the roof whenever she sat down to do her work. These episodes became so extreme that they turned into panic attacks which lead her to quit her job. Lucy saw this as an opportunity to actualise her dream of starting her own marketing business alongside opening a yoga studio BUT the anxiety that caused her to quit her job followed her.

Feeling “Not Good Enough” & Struggling with Self Promotion

Lucy described feeling “not good enough”, feeling fearful that what she has to offer won’t resonate with others, and insecurity that she didn’t have enough experience or knowledge….

→ Click here to Read More of Lucy’s story


How Emilie Mastered Self-Sabotage

Emilie’s Story*

Emilie, an outgoing and motivated Health Coach, described her business as just ‘hanging around’ rather than thriving because, financially, it wasn’t reflecting how much work she was putting into it. When we first met, Emilie suspected that she had a mental block around earning money because she didn’t feel confident about finding clients who’d be willing or able to pay her prices. She’d also set a goal of earning $5,000 per month, but recognised that the money couldn’t flow in as she hadn’t put the systems in place to support this.

How this barrier showed up in Emilie’s life

Emilie shared that, even though she was continually ‘busy’ working on her business, the activities she engaged in weren’t getting her results….

→ Click here to Read More of Emelie’s story

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